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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

Glitter, Goals, and Greatness: Dancing Your Way Through Network Marketing with Your Core Values


Hey there, fabulous marketers of the future!

Today, we're diving into something deeper than the usual "how-to-sell-101". We're talking about core values, baby!

That's right, those little gems that make YOU, well, YOU! And guess what? We're mixing them into the delicious cocktail of network marketing. So, let's shake it up!

1. Discovering Your Core Values - The Treasure Hunt!

Finding your core values is like going on an epic treasure hunt, but instead of a map, you've got your heart and soul guiding you. Ask yourself: What gets me out of bed in the morning? (Apart from coffee, obviously). What values do I want to scream from the mountaintops? Integrity? Creativity? Empowerment? Tacos? (Yes, tacos can be a core value. No judgment here!)


2. Setting Goals with Pizzazz - Aim High, Sky's the Limit!

Now that you've got your core values, it's time to set some goals. And not just any goals, but the kind that makes you a little (or a lot) excited and scared. Think big, dream bigger. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish, and we're not here to wish – we're here to do!

3. Accountability – Your Secret Superpower!

Let's talk about accountability. It's like having a gym buddy but for your business goals. Find someone who’s as ambitious as you are (or even more so), and make a pact to keep each other on track. Having a partner in crime can turn "Ugh, I have to do this" into "Yeah, we're going to rock this!"

4. Stick With Action Takers – Be a Part of the Movers and Shakers!

In the grand bazaar of network marketing, you want to be where the action is. Stick close to the action takers, the movers, and the shakers. They're the ones with the energy of a double espresso shot, always ready to conquer the world. Their passion is contagious, and before you know it, you'll be riding the wave right alongside them.

5. Follow Your Mentors, AND Don't Forget to Carve Your Own Path!

Mentors are great. They're like the Gandalf to your Frodo in the epic journey of network marketing. But remember, while it's fantastic to learn from the best, you're not here to be a carbon copy of anyone. Soak up their wisdom, but don't forget to add your own spices to the mix.

6. Find Your Unique Voice – Be Unapologetically You!

Lastly, and most importantly, find your unique voice in the cacophony of marketing noise. Your voice is your superpower. It's what sets you apart from the crowd. Whether it's your quirky sense of humor, your way with words, or your undeniable charm – let it shine!

Wrapping It Up – Be True to You!

So, there you have it, my network marketing superstars. It's all about finding your core values, setting goals that give you butterflies, being accountable, sticking with the energizers, learning from your mentors, and, most importantly, being unapologetically you.

Remember, in the world of network marketing, you're not just selling a product or a service; you're selling a piece of yourself. So make sure it's a piece you're proud of. Now go out there, embrace your fabulousness, and set the world on fire!

And always, always remember: In the grand dance of life, it's not just about finding your steps; it's about creating your own rhythm.

Let's make it happen!

MUCH LOVE, Kris (the bliss)


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