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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

How to get unlimited, high quality MLM leads for FREE

1,227 leads for $0.

That's how many leads Zach generated in a few months of his first "SLO" funnel.

He got 1,227 people into his ecosystem from Facebook ads in the course of 4 months and spent...

$0 to do it.

How is that possible?

Self liquidating offer funnels or "SLO's".

It means that if I spend $100 on ads today (or in my case, leads today), I'll make at least $100 back. So all the leads I generate are "free".

Then I can present my business opportunity to them and enroll the right ones.

The reason this is so powerful is because of...


Zach Spear, 7-figure online marketer, my mentor, my upline leader, co-creator & owner of MLM Rebels explains in this video the details of this scale:

See, the reason why network marketers grow so slow is that it takes someone a long time to actually enroll someone.

From the initial contact to enrollment taking between a few days to weeks.

Al for a measly commission of a few hundred bucks. You can see why it takes so long to make a full time income. You're literally forced to wait for OTHER PEOPLE to grow - which, as you know, can take a while.

This kind of growth strategy is moderately acceptable for a real estate agent. Since they'll make $5k - $20k per transaction, they can afford to wait and do all the work it takes to get the house sold - from contact to escrow.

But excellent marketers don't play by the same rules.

True marketers figure out how to use scale to their advantage from day one.

If it takes me 10 days to enroll one person and make $450 that's ok.

But what if I can enroll one person per day for $450. Does that change the game?

What if I compound that effect by 100 reps?

That's called scale.

And the ONLY way this is possible without killing yourself and working 168 hours per week is with a marketing SYSTEM that works for you 24/7.

That's called a "SLO".

It's the MOST vital fulcrum lever in your toolkit.


These words above are paraphrased and taken from my mentor Zach Spear


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