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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

How to Slay Black Friday as a Network Marketer Without Turning into a Sleazy Salesperson

Hello, you wonderful hustlers of the network marketing world! 🌟 Are you ready to take Black Friday by storm but dread turning into one of those slimy, slick-haired, used car sales types? Fear not, my friend, because I'm about to spill the beans on how to crush this Black Friday with a killer offer that'll set you up for a rockstar 2024, minus the sleaze factor!

🖤🛍️ The Art of the Sweet, Sleaze-Free Deal 🛍️🖤

1. Become the Oprah of Your Network: You Get a Deal, and You Get a Deal!

Let’s face it, who doesn't love Oprah? This Black Friday, be the Oprah of your network. Create deals so sweet, your customers can't help but feel like they've hit the jackpot. But remember, no shouting "You get a car!" unless you actually mean it.

2. Educate, Don't Irritate

Remember those family dinners where Uncle Jerry wouldn’t stop talking about his "revolutionary" kitchen gadgets? Don't be Uncle Jerry. Educate your audience about your products with fun facts and how-tos, not just the hard sell.

3. Create FOMO, Not Eyerolls

Harness the power of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) by crafting limited-time offers that scream, "This is the deal of a lifetime!" But keep it classy – nobody likes to be guilt-tripped into buying a lifetime supply of Tupperware.

4. Bundle of Joy > Bundle of Meh

Bundle up your products like you're bundling up a cute baby in winter. Make your bundles so attractive and value-packed that even a seasoned Black Friday warrior can't resist.

5. Personalize Like a Pro

Got a customer who's obsessed with eco-friendly products? Tailor your pitch and deals to match their interests. Personalization is like adding sprinkles to a cupcake – everything's better with sprinkles.

6. Social Media Shenanigans

Unleash your creativity on social media. Host live sessions, share testimonials, do a silly dance with your product – anything that showcases your offer in a fun, human way. Keep it light, keep it fun, keep it real!

7. Don't Just Sell, Tell a Story

People love stories, especially ones they can see themselves in. Weave tales about your products that resonate with your audience. "Once upon a time" beats "Buy now" any day.

8. Flash Sales: The Lightning Bolt Strategy

Introduce flash sales that strike like lightning and vanish just as quickly. The sudden, high-energy vibe will electrify your audience (and your sales!).

9. Follow-Up Like a Friend, Not a Stalker

Post-purchase, check in with your customers like a friend catching up over coffee, not a telemarketer on their 10th call of the day. It's all about making them feel special, not spammed.

10. Customer Service with a Smile (Even if It's an Emoji)

Be the sunshine in your customer's Black Friday shopping storm. A happy, helpful attitude can turn a good deal into a great experience.

🌟💥 Boom! Set Yourself Up for a Fantastic 2024 💥🌟

By following these tips, not only are you going to make this Black Friday a day to remember, but you’re also laying the golden bricks for a fabulous 2024. Who knew you could make bank, win hearts, and avoid the sleaze trap all at once? You did, that's who!

So gear up, get out there, and show Black Friday who's boss – the sleaze-free, deal-slaying, network marketing superstar way! 🚀🌈💼

Disclaimer: This post is 100% sleaze-free and 200% cheeky. Follow these tips, and you're not just selling; you're building an empire (with a smile and a wink)! 😉💖🏰

IF YOU want to create your first Black Friday Deal (not the one your company created...the one you sell yourself that points to the cool goodies your company the upsell).

Then head over to HERE ->

If you want some CHOICE ADVICE, watch this youtube by Alex Hermozi on Black Friday:


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