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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

Igniter’s Nation Manifesto

A new breed of nurses:

We are wiser souls shifting the context of what it means to be a nurse in our society today.

We believe nurses are the keystone of healthcare.  No longer are we the slaves of sick care.

We believe nurses can practice great nursing while simultaneously preparing for their futures and their family’s futures away from the bedside.

We believe nurses are not bound to their profession for life.  We are not bound to employment for 40 years.  Although we care for people deeply and do not go into the nursing profession for purely financial or selfish reasons, we recognize that we as nurses have a right to fair compensation and safe working conditions.  And we know that healthcare will not change so we will smarten up and change our game plan.

We also recognize that the profession is physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually challenging so we believe that the profession is not meant to be practiced over a lifetime at the bedside.  Igniter nation nurses also believe that employers can only give us a paycheck but our aspirations lay far beyond the reaches of that paycheck.

So we will build for greater impact, for generational wealth and greater lifestyle for our families.

We believe that working full time in our nursing profession for a heathcare system for 40 years is detrimental to a nurse’s wellbeing.  Igniter’s Nation nurses will build a parallel profession utilizing our skill set, that breaths life into us and is equally as important to our wellbeing.

This parallel profession at Igniters Nation will financially bridge us to our ultimate impact, wealth, and lifestyle goals.

We believe that being financially free allows us as nurses to make the right choices for our wellbeing about our employment.  Instead of being hogtied out of obligation to bills and creditors with little choices. 

Instead of potentially sacrificing our hard earned nursing license because of unsafe staffing ratios because we had no other choice.  Igniters nation nurses are building in that choice with business.

Igniters nation nurses will have our business hold us up when healthcare & our nursing profession let’s us down. 💥🔥


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