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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

Network Marketing Newbies: The Skills You Absolutely, Positively Gotta Have Or Build(No, Seriously!)

Hey there, future moguls of network marketing! 👋🚀 Ready to dive into the glitzy, sometimes nutty, but always rewarding world of network marketing? Brace yourselves because it's like hopping onto a rollercoaster that's equal parts exhilarating and terrifying – but mostly, just plain fun.

Now, let's spill the tea on what it takes to not just survive but THRIVE in this wild world. Buckle up, buttercups, because here are the skills you absolutely need (and yes, I'm looking at you!).

1. Charm School Graduate (a.k.a. Killer Communication Skills)

First things first: if you can't chat up a storm or write an email that doesn't put people to sleep, you're gonna have a bad time. Network marketing is like 90% talking, 10% everything else. Learn to speak, write, and even emoji with flair and confidence. 🗣️💬✨

2. Social Butterfly Wings (a.k.a. Networking Know-How)

If you're the kind of person who can make friends in an elevator, you're golden. If not, time to polish those mingling skills! Networking isn't just about collecting contacts like PokĂŠmon cards; it's about forging genuine connections. Although any personality type can succeed in this industry, you will learn how to work with your personality, not against it.

So, go on, be a social butterfly! Even if it's not your thing. 🦋

3. The Digital Guru Streak (a.k.a. Online Savvy)

Hello, it’s the 21st century calling! Your online game needs to be strong. Whether it’s Instagram, TikTok, or the next big thing in social media, you've gotta be there, posting, hashtagging, and not accidentally liking your ex's pictures. 📱💻👀

4. A Sherlock Holmes Hat (a.k.a. Detective-Like Research Skills)

Know your stuff. And by stuff, I mean EVERYTHING about the products you're selling. You should be able to answer questions in your sleep – like, "What's in this face cream?" or "Will this blender blend my phone?" (P.S.: Please don't blend your phone.) 🔍🤔

5. The Patience of a Saint (a.k.a. Resilience)

Newsflash: Not everyone's going to love what you're selling right off the bat. You need the patience of a saint and the skin of a rhinoceros. There will be ‘Nos’ – lots of them. But remember, every ‘No’ is just a ‘Yes’ in a grumpy disguise. 🙏🦏

6. A Magician’s Hat (a.k.a. Problem-Solving Prowess)

Stuff happens. Orders get mixed up. Shipments go on unscheduled world tours. When things go south, you'll need to pull solutions out of your hat like a seasoned magician. Abracadabra, baby! 🎩✨

7. An Eagle-Eye (a.k.a. Attention to Detail)

The devil’s in the details, or so they say. Keep your eyes peeled for the little things, whether it's a typo in your email or the fine print in your product brochures. Little mistakes can lead to big oopsies. And having a healthy abundance of #5 helps when you do make the oopsie.


8. A Time Turner (a.k.a. Mad Time Management Skills)

You've got 24 hours in a day, just like Beyoncé. But you're juggling more balls than a circus clown. Learning to manage your time isn’t just good; it’s a survival skill. Plan, prioritize, and for heaven's sake, don't forget to sleep! ⏰😴

9. Ethics: Your Invisible Crown (a.k.a. Being a Good Human)

Stay honest, transparent, and ethical. Don't be that person who makes wild promises or sells dreams that are more ‘pie in the sky’ than ‘slice of life.’ Integrity is your best accessory; wear it proudly! My sponsor likes to under promise and over deliver! 👑✨

10. The Fun Factor (a.k.a. Enjoy the Ride!)

Last but not least, have fun with it! If you’re not enjoying the journey, then what’s the point? Laugh at the mishaps, celebrate the victories, and keep your spirits high. After all, if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong! 😂🎉

And there you have it, folks – your unofficial, slightly cheeky guide to conquering the world of network marketing. Embrace these skills, and you'll be the rockstar of the networking world in no time. Go get ‘em, tiger! 🐯🌟

-written by Kris Hansen and AI (cheeky tone)


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