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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

The Nitty-Gritty: Making Moolah as a Coach (With a Dash of Cheekiness)


Welcome, dear readers, to the wonderful world of coaching, where life-changing conversations happen daily, and coaches strive to make both a difference and a dollar.

While coaching can be an incredibly fulfilling profession, let's peel back the curtain a bit and talk about the cheeky challenges of stacking those coaching coins.

The Elusive Client Hunt

First things first, attracting clients is a bit like hunting for a rare, magical unicorn. Sure, they're out there, but finding them and convincing them you're the one to guide them through life's enchanted forest can be a bit of a quest. Be prepared for some Gandalf-level patience, and remember, not all unicorns are created equal.

The Wild Wild West of Competition

Coaching is like the Wild West, and everyone's got their coaching boots on. It's a shoot-out for attention in a crowded marketplace, partner! To stand out, you've got to be the sharpshooter with a unique twist. Find your niche, fire some creative marketing bullets, and hope they hit the bullseye.

Building Street Cred

In the coaching world, credibility is king. Think of it as your coaching crown – without it, you're just another commoner. Building street cred takes time and effort. Consider getting some coaching certifications and get ready to kiss a few frogs before finding your coaching prince(ss).

The Income Rollercoaster

Picture this: one month you're sipping champagne, and the next, you're living on instant noodles. Coaching income can be as stable as a Jenga tower in an earthquake. Budgeting and saving are your trusty companions on this financial thrill ride.

Coaching isn't a 9-to-5 gig; it's more like a perpetual waltz. You'll be dancing between client sessions, marketing your services, and managing your admin duties. Finding the right rhythm can be challenging. Get those dancing shoes ready!

The Price is Right (Maybe)

Pricing your coaching services is a game of strategy. Charge too much, and you might scare clients away. Charge too little, and you're practically giving away your golden wisdom. Finding that sweet spot requires some financial twister moves.

Conclusion - do your certification through The Great Discovery and put your course on our learning management system so that the entire affiliate community can market YOUR PROGRAM worldwide. Use our AI tools to translate your knowledge into 100+ languages.

So, there you have it, the cheeky realities of making money as a coach. Attracting clients, facing competition, establishing credibility, dealing with income rollercoasters, managing time and energy, and pricing your services are all part of the adventure.

Embrace these challenges with a cheeky grin, keep improving your coaching skills, and remember, every successful coach once started as a coaching apprentice. With a bit of grit and a sprinkle of humor, you can navigate the twists and turns of this rewarding profession and stack those coaching coins like a pro! Yeehaw! 🤠

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