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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

Top 30 Hilariously Bad Tips for Staying Broke! (Because, Why Not?)

Hey, hey, financial underachievers! 🙌 Are you tired of all those pesky tips on how to get rich and live your dream life? Ugh, so overrated, right? Well, fear not, because I've compiled the ultimate, cheeky guide on how to stay gloriously, fantastically, and fabulously poor. Grab your notepads, folks; this is gold! 🌟

1. Start Tomorrow: Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Indefinitely?

Procrastination is your BFF. Embrace it. The longer you wait, the less you have to do!

2. Read a Library, Apply Zilch: Because Knowledge Used Is Overrated

Hoarding self-help books is the new trend. Who needs action when you have a shelf to show off?

3. Get Rich Advice from the Broke Brigade

Listen to Uncle Bob, who’s been on his couch since '93. He knows best. 🛋️

4. Marry a Work Guilt-Tripper

Find someone who hates the idea of you working. Bonus points if they loathe ambition!

5. One and Done: Quit After Your First Flop

Failing once means you're doomed forever, right? Best to retire early.

6. World’s Fair (Not!): Expect a Level Playing Field

Believe in fairy tales. The world owes you one, doesn't it?

7. Blame Game Champ: It's Never Your Fault

Your circumstances are perfect excuses. Use them wisely and often.

8. Damsel in Distress: Wait for That Rescue

Surely someone's coming to save you... Any minute now...

9. Other People’s Opinions: Your Life’s Compass

Live by what others think. After all, they know what's best for you!

10. Opt Out of Success: It’s a Choice, After All

Remember, opting for success is totally optional. Choose wisely (or don’t).

11. Comfort Zone Connoisseur

Embrace your inner couch potato. Why stretch when you can relax?

12. Mediocrity: Aim for Average

Shoot for the middle. Why bother with excellence?

13. Promise Breaker Extraordinaire

Make promises like you make instant noodles - fast and forgettable.

14. Perfect Conditions or Bust

If everything isn't perfect, why even bother starting? Chaos is scary!

15. Faux Rich Fashionista

Looking rich is obviously way more important than being rich. #Priorities

16. Sideline the Important Stuff

Avoid what matters. It's probably not that important, right?

17. All Talk, No Action

Say you'll do it. Just don’t actually do it. Talking feels so much better!

18. Follow the Crowd

Do what everyone else is doing. Individuality is overrated anyway.

19. Try, Don’t Triumph

Doing your best is good enough, even if it leads nowhere.

20. Chatty Cathy: All Words, No Deeds

Talk about your grand plans. The more you talk, the less you have to do!

21. Serial Starter, Never a Finisher

Begin a new project daily, abandon it by night. It's the thrill that counts!

22. Believe the Haters

Other people’s negative opinions of you? Absolute truth. No question.

23. Mistake Mania: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Who says you have to learn from mistakes? Make 'em and repeat 'em!

24. Strive to Be Replaceable

Aim to be as unremarkable as possible. Blending in is the new standing out!

25. Copycat Syndrome

Imitate others, and do it for cheaper. Why be original?

26. Quit the Winning Horse

Found something that works? Immediately stop doing it. It's too easy!

27. The 'Know-It-But-Don’t-Do-It' Dance

Knowledge without action is like a car without wheels. Looks good, goes nowhere.

28. Hire the Least Bright Bulbs

Surround yourself with incompetence. It’s less intimidating.

29. Always Right, Never Wrong

Your opinion is the only one that matters. Stubbornness is a virtue.

30. Spend Like You're a Billionaire

Make money, spend more. Debt is just a number, right?

And there you have it, 30 foolproof (and foolhardy) ways to ensure you stay cozily ensconced in the warm embrace of poverty. Remember, folks, life's too short to be wealthy – so why bother? 🎉👛💸

Disclaimer: Please take this post with the gigantic grain of salt it deserves. Actual success may require slightly (okay, vastly) different strategies! 😉💰🚀


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