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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

True Grit in Network Marketing: 'Do Your Best' vs. 'Do What It Takes'


Hello, hustlers, go-getters, and dream-catchers! Today, let's talk about a little thing called grit – the secret sauce in the world of network marketing. But first, let's sip some truth tea.

When it comes to crushing it in network marketing, there are two camps of thought: the "Do Your Best" cheerleaders and the "Do What It Takes" warriors. Both sound pretty inspirational, right? But which mindset is your golden ticket to success city? Let's break it down!

"Do Your Best" – The Comfort Zone Crew

The "Do Your Best" mantra is like that warm, fuzzy blanket on a cold day. It's comforting, cozy, and oh-so safe. It whispers, "Hey pal, just give it a go, no pressure!" But here's the cheeky truth – sometimes, 'doing your best' is like dipping your toes in the ocean and saying you went swimming.

Sure, it's important to give things a shot, but in the wild world of network marketing, just doing your best might leave you stuck in the kiddie pool while the big fish are out there in the deep end.

"Do What It Takes" – The Gritty Go-Getters

Now, let’s chat about the "Do What It Takes" squad. These folks are like the superheroes of network marketing. They're the ones who set their alarms for 5 AM, chug that pre-workout shake, and dive headfirst into their goals.

'Do What It Takes' means you’re not just showing up; you're playing to win. It's about getting gritty, getting tough, and sometimes, getting a little uncomfortable. It means networking like a boss at ungodly hours, learning new skills even when your brain says, "No more, please!", and smiling through those setbacks like you're auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. 😁

So, Which One Wins the Race?

Drumroll, please... If you want to not just walk but sashay across the finish line of your goals, "Do What It Takes" is your jam. This mindset is the jetpack to your dreams, whereas "Do Your Best" is more like a leisurely stroll.

Remember, 'doing what it takes' doesn’t mean burning out like a candle in a hurricane. It’s about finding that sweet spot where determination, smart work, and a sprinkle of madness meet. It's about being the person who looks at a challenge and says, "Bring it on!" instead of "Well, I'll try."

Embrace Your Inner Grit Gladiator!

To be a network marketing gladiator, you need to arm yourself with an unshakable will, an unstoppable mindset, and maybe a caffeinated beverage (or three).

So, let's raise our glasses (or coffee mugs) to being the kind of people who don't just do their best – we do what it flipping takes! Here’s to setting goals that scare the socks off us, and then crushing them in our bare feet. Because in the end, true grit isn’t just about getting to your goals; it’s about smashing through them and dancing on the finish line.

And remember, in the grand circus of network marketing, being a gritty go-getter isn't just a role; it’s a lifestyle. So, put on your grittiest grin, and let's show 'em what we're made of!

Much love, Kris (the bliss)

a heart made out of fall leaves
loving fall

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