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  • Kris Hansen-Sayles

You need escape velocity...

People think they can succeed without 100% focus and effort.


You can't win here or anywhere without 100% focus. You have to cut out EVERYTHING that does not truly move your life forward.

Here is my list:



One Business


Physical or mental hobbies that fulfill me


Couple of friends

Everything else is cut out. Period. I don't scroll. I don't watch TikTok (oh I used to). I don't waste time with socializing much. I don't attend needless meetings, business or otherwise.

Also, notice I put ONE business. Not 2. Not 3.

See, success is the game of escape velocity, and you get ZERO results at 0-60% effort.

The people who have some success are usually around 70-80% effort, but they usually cap out between $10k-20kmonth. That's what my mentor says. Zach knows...he's in the two comma club. Five figures a month is respectable, but frustrating. Their biggest drawback is generally splitting focus, taking too much time off or moving too quickly.

Hyperactivity may get you to $200-$300k/year, but in most cases it won't get you past that. You need to level up your thinking/planning and optimizing your business and life.

To have true escape velocity you must give not 85%. Not 90% but 98-100%

To ONE mission, method and business.

It doesn't mean you don't adapt. No. Quite the contrary. In fact, your greatest creative breakthroughs happen when YOU are so relentlessly focused that YOU figure out ways of doing things that no one taught you.

When you're so consciously focused that your subconscious has NO CHOICE but to chew on the problem until it serves you the right answer....

Or God does. Your call.

Note that my health is on the list. That means I don't work 80 hours a week. I do work a fair sum of my day, but I am a full time mom to TWO special needs boys who require a lot of my focus.

I am not working 100 hours a week.

I am saying that I cut the fat out. No scroll, no binging Netflix. No TV. I am watching ONE movie this year (The Chosen coming out week - date afternoon with my husband).

Stop getting distracted. Stop thinking you know it all. Stop quitting. Stop running away. Stop looking for a quick fix.


If you are trying to break through to 7 figures, there is no quick fix. You either learn the skills with 100% focus, or you end up as an average producer at best.

If you read this whole thing, I'm proud of you. And I know you are destined for greatness.


(that photo of me??? The last photo of me as an employed nurse in 2020 in a covid ICU.)

These words above are paraphrased and taken from my mentor Zach Spear


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